Artificial Intelligence – The Newest Tech Career



“Studying AI is perfect for students who can solve problems in abstract ways and devise new angles,” says Dr. Richard Watson, senior lecturer in electronics and computer science at the University of Southampton. “But AI is also about learning techniques of advanced computer science, so students should have a broad education in computer science before they tackle it.”

For students looking to study AI, keep an eye on our work at University College Dublin and drop us a line if you’d like.  It’s looking like a promising future.

Careers in tech: Artificial Intelligence

Lori at Scredible

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

Steve Jennings/Getty Images

That wonderful quote from computer science legend, Alan Kay, was offered up by one of the planet’s brightest minds in response to the question, “What’s next for digital?”

The setting was Stanford’s Breakthrough Prize Symposium. Top thinkers in physics, life sciences, and mathematics were on hand, and all talking about the value of funding ‘basic research’ for the sake of the unknown future wonders it might yield.

For instance, Moore’s Law has been slowing down of late. Initial advances in computing came from fundamental discoveries in integrated circuitry, but the next big jump in computing power will be borne out of basic research.

Our own interest in this research extends beyond the Stanford gathering, to our work with University College Dublin on next-generation adaptive learning. Some of this research has near-term objectives with benefits for our customers right away; other projects have a long-term horizon.

Lori at Scredible